Summer Tips🌻

 Adapt Healthy life Style This Summer

Every season has its own perks and liveliness. Summer is the season of light and dewy moistened-mornings with vibrant daylight. Some of you make plans for vacations and some want to stay inside to protect themselves from not getting a sunburn or a heat stroke.

Of course staying inside is not clearly a solution, you can enjoy every season by adapting to new trends and lifestyle or slightly changing your daily life routine.

Surviving this Summer

Summer can be fun and hard for some people too. To avoid heat stroke and heat illness follow these instructions

Maintain an adequate level of hydration by drinking plenty of water and detox drinks which i will further discuss in this article.

Avoid alcoholic beverages and caffeine

Diy mask for refreshing skin

 Don't let summer make your skin stop glowing and shine. Try these diy and pure organic masks to get gleaming beaming skin this season.

Turmeric and yogurt

  • Mix one tablespoon of yogurt with a pinch of organic turmeric powder and apply this paste on your face for 15 minutes and let it dry and rinse it.

Aloe Vera mask

  • Apply simple aloe vera gel to your face to get glass clear skin.apply it for 10 minutes and then wash with lukewarm water.

Mint and yogurt

  • Grind the mint leaves and mix it one tablespoon of yogurt and apply this to your face 15 minutes and then washed it off.

Gram flour and Rose water

  • This mask has a different fan base because it suits all skin types in summer specially it's best for oily skin.

  • Mix one tablespoon of gram flour with rose water,pinch of turmeric powder,one tablespoon of lemon juice and some milk enough to make paste.

  • Apply it for 20 minutes, let it dry and wash it with cold water.

Summer Detox

               As skin needs daily treatment your body needs it too.As summer is the best time to get your body in shape, so if you are into cutting some weight add these summary detox drinks to your diet.

Cucumber and Lemon-mint 

  • Cut cucumber into these slices and put these into a jar of water along with lemon slices and mint leaves.

Drink this for the whole day instead of water .

Apple -Cinnamon

  • Apple and cinnamon are good to go together and they also increase the fat burning process.


  • When it comes to the fat cutting process chia seeds are considered to be mvp.     



  • Add one spoon of chia seed in a jar of water with thin slices of lemon and leave it for night, and drink the next day.


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