Other Side Of Women Empowerment


[Other side of Women empowerment no one talks about]

There's nothing wrong or should i say there's no doubt in saying that this is every woman's birthright to take a stand for her rights, to stand against domestic violence , to say no to those things that stop her from getting close to her goals.

Empowerment is the result of a process which allows a person to know about herself/himself,what she/he wants, indicate it, try to get it and fulfill their needs, it's about getting confidence, awareness, mobility, choices control and decision making power

Women have faced immense barriers as they sought opportunities to get their basic rights and achieve a valuable image in society. If we go back a mere quarter century inequality on gender basis was widely apparent___ in schools, at the workplace and even in homes. There was a time when there was no means or any platform through which women can share their stories or they would seek help. But now the society we live in is now developing. Women are getting to know how they can get their rights.

         Yes, the 21st  century is unequivocally a time of opportunity for women.As a professional woman, I'm grateful for the way society has changed even in the times since I was young. But in times where women are competent  at doing anything and everything, does that mean we need to do everything?

when we talk about a working woman whether she's working at home or at office, School, or in a Factory we cannot change the fact that there are 24 hours in a day and Women now have more things to do but no more time to do it. That is the problem faced by most females when they are learning to "lean in".

 So what's the way to fix this?How can we try not to fall out trying to maintain one area while suffering in other areas ?

First thing first be realistic about your expectations and decide whether they are reasonable or not. Society has increased  processional and social opportunities, we still feel responsible for doing all things at one time. In a certain way, we are right. The bill needs to be paid,the laundry needs to be done. I still need to eat.

But this is wrong for us to think that all things must be prioritized at once or equally.


         I have been questioning myself these days what is acceptable for me to do or not to do.i have started to think that expecting everything to be done or to manage everything well (and by myself only) is very unfair and unrealistic. If I value myself,my peace of mind, my time then I need to start prioritizing its use. Which means try to learn to say No to those things, to those Commitments which aren't necessary or urgent.

Years ago there was a time when serving store-bought cupcakes or any dishes was a shame for our mothers. This is the very time that we should end this. Understanding other women's life problems and helping them to seek out their daily life chores should be normalised. 

For a stance I have a driver to take me to and from work. This for me is not a luxury, it's a practical solution which I used to save time. Although I'm not married but still have to look out for my family, the savings between travel I like to claim for myself, same is with the working woman with 2 children.

                We need to start supporting our friends and colleagues in making these very personal decisions about themselves. It means if my friend doesn't meet me after work for Coffee , so be it. And if it means I pay my neighbour for helping me in my household chores or taking care of my children if I'm working for 2 extra hours, it's nothing to be ashamed of.

    Hajira Zahid



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